Children from Prep meet the friendly firefighters from the School Fire Education Program and learn that Tasmania Fire Service firefighters are your friends.
TFS Education personnel deliver two 30 minute lessons for children in Prep.
They are also introduced to simple home fire safety messages that are central to the program in Grades 1 to 4.
For this age group though, parents and caregivers are still the best people to make sure that children are safe from fire.
The key messages for Prep classes include:
- Firefighters are your friends
- Don’t be scared of firefighters
- There are good fires and bad fires
- Matches and lighters are tools not toys
- Crawl low and go go go (crawl low in smoke)
- Two metres from the heater
- Cool a burn (20 minutes under gentle cool running water)
- Stop, drop, rock and roll (to smother a fire on clothing).
For this age group, parents and caregivers are still the best people to make sure that children are safe from fire.
At home and at school, responsible adults can reassure children that they have a plan and will take care of them if there is a fire.
These example resources are used and distributed in Prep classrooms by the School Fire Educators.
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